Raindog Tradition Re-Enters the Blogging World... You All Should Be So Lucky...
There are many Raindog traditions. Cookouts, Halloween on Halloween, Sunday morning movies, etc. One tradition that is even more delightful is O'D's own "Straight From the Dog's Ass" writings. Now, thanks to boredom and genius in an intricately balanced equal proportion, this amazing collection of thought and profound coolness is making it's transition to blog form.
For those of you who may know O'D but are not familiar with SFTDA, I will give a brief history. To the best of my recollection, this story begins in the early days of the Internet. Your boy O'D began getting increasingly into HTML, buying several books on the subject and spending most of the time we weren't either making music or watching Pop Up Video learning to design website pages. Thanks to the birth of free domain sites like Angelfire (old school), we began making homepages for all of our myriad musical projects as well as personal sites, among them the classic ODLIKE site where O'D would basically blog before anyone even knew what blogging was.
During this time O'D was planning on trying to publish a zine by the name Straight From the Dog's Ass. I wasn't really around for a lot of that, but I think a few mock up issues were created, however the idea didn't really follow through as expected. This was when O'D moved the concept of SFTDA to the Internet.
For me, those were the best things ever. Manically gifted with the ability to hold on to shit tons of obscure geeky knowledge, your boy would craft incredibly interesting rants on pop culture that would cover the gamut from music to video games, art to politics. What made them different from most self concerned drivel on the net was how easily comprehensible it all was. A geek speaking to other geeks from underneath a pile of mixtapes and Anchor Bay VHS releases. Brilliant.
For a short time SFTDA made appearances on MySpace in the form of blogs that were absolutely fucking hilarious. So that brings us back to the present. With the popularity of blogs today and the advent of the super sweet and accessible Blogger from Google, SFTDA has found a new home.
Anyone reading this should seriously check this out. It's reads exactly what you think it would read like if you stuck a cool guy in the middle of Iraq with TV boxed sets and sand boogers: really awesome blogs about sand boogers.
The URL is http://www.straightfromthedogsass.blogspot.com/ . Read and respect, bitches!
Thanks for the write up man. I guess it's just one of those things I can't seem to stop doing. Thanks for joing the league too, I am mad excited, here's to hoping we get some more participation.
No problem, dude. Hopefully we can get more of these guys to get off of the couch and into the computer chair for some hardcore game picking...
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