Thursday, September 4, 2008

Martin Fennelly Is An Assclown

I logged on to tonight to check up on some sports news and came across another one of Martin Fennelly's retarded fucking articles about the Bucs. For those of you who don't know who this guy is, he is one of the staff writers for The Tampa Tribune sports section. He earns his keep mainly during the football season, when he reports almost exclusively on the apparently permanent dark side of the Buccaneers franchise. His column usually appears along the side of the front page, where he can make the most use of his overly dramatic writing style by writing ominous one line statements and then leaving like 4 or 5 lines before the next bit of actual writing.

Anyways, this guy's default setting is decidedly Negative Ned. He always talks all this trash about the Bucs and makes them out to be the worst team ever. Until the season starts, that is. Then he changes his tune according to how they perform. 

A few wins = "You gotta love it............................(a million fucking lines of gap)...................................The Bucs playing football.............................(a zillion more fucking spaces)...................................The Bucs way.............................

A few losses = "How much more?..................................................................(Fennelly sucking like usual)...........................Gruden has lost the drive................................................(Fennelly filing his nails while wearing a french maid costume).......................................................The Bucs have lost the drive.....................

Basic point: Fuck that guy.

I mean, what an assclown, right?

I bet he doesn't get paid by the word

If he did, you could bet he wouldn't waste so much space writing his retarded poems in the Trib.

If you want to read the article that set me off on this prick, check out under the Bucs section. It's under the title Q&A with Fennelly title. He is the example of what would happen if one of those stupid, rowdy, somewhat creepy Bucs fans that roam the message boards got his very own article in the Tribune. It would be full of half baked criticism, vaguely pointed accusations, hamfisted attempts at guilt tripping the coaching staff into subsribing to said half baked criticisms, and.............................. a shit ton of fucking spaces so that they wouldn't have to fill thier article with...well... rationl thoughts.

I have put up with his shit forever. Open the Trib, grab the Metro and the Sports sections. Sit on the can. And then I get to read this jerks infantile cries of doom. Fucking jerk.

I mean, this guy throws everyone under the bus. In that retarded Q&A thingie he manages to totally abandon Matt Bryants kicking skill based solely on the preseason. Nevermind the 62 yard field goal he made, or the last few years of solid kicking he provided. According to Mr. Pube Floss,  "This team is putting way too much on this guy. It’s been a while since he booted the Bucs past the Eagles with that memorable Tom Dempsey impersonation—a long while. It’s taking a chance, especially given the fact that this is looking, to me at least, like a field-goal offense." 

Okay, junior. Let's check back on that statement in a few weeks when we are doing great. Field goal offense? Fuck that. HAVE YOU SEEN THE PRESEASON GAMES??? You were obviously watching enough to see Matt Bryant struggle. What about the killer running game? Ugh.

I've said my piece and I hope he reads this. I'm gonna tag it with his name and every other related phrase I can, in the vain hope that he just might read this. He won't change. But at least I'll have said my piece. 

I mean, after all, can't I just hope?

Hope that maybe that prick will read this.

That maybe, just maybe, he'll weep?

One can hope.


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