Friday, November 7, 2008

Blog Award

So, due to my general inattentiveness, I failed to notice that Felice had bestowed the honor of a blog award upon me. The conditions of the award are kind of cool and are certainly interesting blog material, so it is graciously accepted. Here we go.

Six Things I Value:

The support I get from Alicia whenever I go through the crap I go through.

The fact that I wake up every morning.

That Barack Obama will be our next President.

Spending time with people I care about, usually playing board games or just talking.

Living in the US.

My sweet Geddy Lee bass.

Six Things I Don't Value:

The concept that equality in marriage for all couples is an optional right.

Obnoxious self centered people.

Commercial drug television ads.

Those who call themselves "engineers", yet over compress everything.

Music instrument store salesmen that attack you with ignorant banter about stuff they think you like.

Urban sprawl.

Six People I Would Pass My Blog Award To:

Wow, probably everyone. I really enjoy Shane's postings. I think Dallas's 'Things I Write' is really awesome. I love every body's blogs because Raindogs rule and conservatives drool. Peace!

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